Notting Hill,Portobello Market & Greenwich~

13 Aug

Hey Guys

As I told you before, I had a mini London vacation; was there for 6 days & I loved it. Me & my family went to many exciting & interesting places and I could not resist taking some pictures (approx. 600 of ’em hehehe) to share with you guys. As there are so many photos I want to show you, I have decided to do that in a group & sub-category basis which will take around 5 blogs (sounds a lot but believe me, you will like it). The photos are my surprise treat for you, so hope you will enjoy it and inspire you enough to go visit them yourself. The pictures also inspired me to add a new category called ‘eM Pictures’  where I will add photos I took myself or loved enough to share with you guys.

This week will be dedicated to pictures from London and the first one starts today.When I watched the movie ‘Notting Hill’, I fell in love with Portobello market,colorful houses and the antique items and had since then wanted to go there. So when the vacation came, it was the perfect opportunity. Loaded with the train and tube maps to reach Notting Hill gate, I enjoyed my first day of vacation in Portobello Market. I saw them all and more. I had also heard about the humming-bird bakery which is very famous for its red velvet cupcakes; so I had to try those and other more. To be honest, the red velvet for me was a bit of a disappointment mainly because the icing was too buttery and sugary for my taste but hey my nephew and dad loved them, the icing and all but I loved the sandwich type of chocolate and cream in between ones, whopping something (sorry I was too busy eating it so I didn’t had the time to remember the name and take a picture of it). But if you do go there, try them but be warned you do have to wait for your turn, it is that busy and famous.

By the time day 1 was over, we were all left exhausted with all the walking so we agreed to do something light-hearted and easy for day 2. As per my dad’s suggestion, we went to Greenwich Park which was around 45 minutes bus ride and we didn’t even had to power walk (perfect :)). The day was sunny, loads of people playing happy family, couples kissing, a perfect park scene. The purpose of our visit was to see the ‘Royal Observatory Greenwich’ which is the official clock to first change time during winter. Ever heard of GMT? yeah  Greenwich Mean Time, that is what I am talking about. It is ‘That Clock’, now you get it.

There are loads more to see in Greenwich Park, like the planetarium,loads of sundials from the past to enjoy. There is also the National Maritime Museum. Maritime museum basically mean nautical museum;things related to ships. It is a really big museum but we didn’t get to see it all because of the rain. We were enjoying the wonderful sunny weather,taking pictures when all of a sudden came heavy rain and to top it off we only had 1 brolly for 5 people. As soon as the rain started to stop, we decided not to take any more chances and ran to the comfort of a warm home, tea and never-ending games of Uno. I am glad we did because guess what, by the time we reached home, it rained heavily on and off that day. That’s how I spent day 1 & 2. More coming up.

Until the next snap


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