Meeting The Famous~

16 Aug

My Readers

These pictures are part II of Day 3. As we had got a package deal of Sea Life Aquarium with Madam Tussaud’s, our next destination was meeting the famous ones. We went to the place through a lift and as it opened, we felt like celebrities with all the interviews,cameras and paparazzi (you will understand it, once you go there yourself). There was a huge crowd and you had to practically be on your feet and quick as a ninja to get your pictures taken with the wax works, keep the mantra “You snooze, you lose” in mind.

There were many of them like Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Russell Brand, Shahrukh Khan,Salman Khan,Hrithik Roshan,Robert Pattinson (Can’t believe Taylor Lautner wasn’t there :(), J.Lo, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, The Royal Family (Kate Middleton aside), Sportsmen,Amy winehouse (R.I.P), Beyonce etc. etc (Don’t have enough space to write them all).

There were many  fun corners. In one,you could do karaoke, it was like auditioning for X-factor and at the end, you could make a DVD of you singing. Me & my two cousins thought to give it a shot and after much discussion, we chose Backstreets Boys ‘Everybody’ (ah good times) and named our band ‘3 stars’ ( I know, so creative & original :)). We were the second in line, when my older cousin bailed out arghhh so we didn’t do it in the end and hence my dream of becoming a singer ended just like that :(.

There was also a scary dark walk ( I don’t know who thought it would be a good idea to put it with the wax works).Now, for your information, I love roller-coasters, the faster the better. But I hate getting startled so I had never  gone to one of those scary theme ones. So when I saw one in Madam Tussaud’s, I thought might as well do it, at least I will know what it really is about. Worst idea ever. Through out the walk, I found myself grasping a stranger’s bag (I got evil stares from her) who was in front of me and screaming crazy like you see in horror movies and my cousins were laughing at me. I am glad to be still alive but the staffs should have provided me with ‘I survived the horror’ badge.

Then, there was a ride which looked like the black taxis, London is famous for. I enjoyed it thoroughly. The ride took you through Britain’s history, the story was depicted through characters made from wax. I saw William Shakespeare too. The  end of the ride was also the end of the wonderful Madam Tussaud’s journey. As we came out, I saw Sherlock Holmes statue which isn’t surprising as the street  Madam Tussaud’s is in, is the famous Baker  street we all know through childhood stories. That’s the end of part II of Day 3. Part III coming right up.


Did You ❤ it? Or Boy Did You ❤ it!