Wise Wisdom From Yours Truly~Sep ’11

30 Sep

Hey Peeps, how are y’all doing? I know I know, before you start complaining, I will myself admit that I have been very lazy this month. You and I both know that I didn’t do that many blogs this September but to be fair I was very busy with my work and when I do get off work I get so tired, I don’t even have the strength to think about new ideas or dance my fingers to type.

This month, bliss and relaxation for me was a cup of warm tea and dramas for entertainment. All I did was work so pardon me, there aren’t that many wisdom’s for you. But let’s do get on with the few that I have to offer. 

1.This month, I went wild with internet shopping and boy oh boy ‘ve I fallen in love with Amazon. Amazon is so amazing and quick, I just love buying things from there so people if you are one of those who hesitate to shop from it then don’t be. You have this girl’s guarantee. To me there is something christmas-y feel to internet shopping. All the waiting for the orders arrival and opening them.Ah~

2.I have never been the one to start conversations or have small talk. But my colleagues, most of them love a good chat and I think it has finally rubbed on me. These days I genuinely like to have small banter and not sweat it (not like before anyway*cough*) ;). So lesson-small talk never hurt anyone and it makes you more friendly.So dare it.

3.But having said that sometimes my colleagues ask and question me about Nepali cultures. It’s really nice of them to want to know about my culture but it is so hard to explain. So cultural explanations for me= cold sweats in an instant.

4.I get bored very easily, so I was in a rut work wise and seriously thinking about changing. But this September, I got the chance to work with more kids; age-wise.So this change made me enjoy work again. So if you are in similar situations, why not bring some variety?

5.I am going to start uni very soon and had to fill what felt like tons of forms,applications and send e-mails. It is very stressful to say the least and makes it that more luring to throw the towel. Which makes me question, am I the only one or are there more who feel like I did? While these things look small but  for some people, it may be a big enough reason/excuse to not continue study.Who knows.

6.This September,I turned 22.So far so good,had a very good birthday.But a question kept nagging me before I turned 22, am I old now? For some reason, I was feeling old but it went off with a poof once I turned 22 though. Once birthday was over, I didn’t feel any change at all. Same ol’ same, may be age is just a number after all. But do get back to me on this one, who knows what I might feel later on.

7.At work,  I made treasure maps for the kids and they loved it.I was popular and back in-game again oh yeah!So I learned treasure map is a big hit with kids, just saying if you have to bribe a kid in the near future. 😉

8.This month I got the baking bug so I ended up making choco-hoto-pots and Panna cotta. They are so easy to make and delicious so why don’t you try too? The recipe’s can be found easily on the internet. Quick advice though- go easy on the cream and gelatin if you are making Panna cotta. Next on the list -Pavlova.Bring it on!

So that’s it for this September’s Wise wisdom although having said that I want to give a shout-out to my friends who clenched their teeth and helped me even though we don’t meet that often. A friend in need is truly a friend indeed. Thanks a lot guys.

Also readers, I promise I will make more effort to write blogs more regularly :).

Alright then readers

Until the next wisdom lands on my way

Cretee 🙂

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