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♬ Musical Notes From Moi ♬ #7

17 Sep

Hey Guys 🙂

Its been a long time since I have done musical notes but to be honest I haven’t done that many blogs either. Have been busy with work lately but I have been too lazy to type also. Pardon my laziness, readers. 

So I ‘ve been searching for awesome songs like crazy and I have finally found one that I am sure you will love. This time around, I would like to introduce you to ‘After School’. Now for some background info. After School is currently a 8-member girl group under Pledis Entertainment who debuted on 2009 & yes they are Korean ;). As of July 2011, the members were split into ‘red & blue’ sub groups as part of their comeback. While the blue sub-unit had cute,bright and innocent concept, the red went with the concept of fierce,powerful & sexy. This song I am introducing features After School Red whose members are Kahi the leader( this girl-not exaggerating when I say she is perfect),Jung Ah (best voice of the group), Uee (jealous of her never-ending legs) and Nana (very very pretty).Time to introduce the song but please readers do watch it on HD mode and you will never look back at 360p again.

The song is ‘In the night sky’ and I love x 1000 it. Boy oh boy is this the perfect song to cheer you up when you are feeling a bit down post-break up .As the translation is there, I don’t need to explain the song, one less job for me whoop whoop! But seriously I love it all, the fierceness & freedom the girls are expressing, the lyrics and melody are so very catchy, the music video makes me go all hippy, the dance moves and the red-Indian tribal concept outfits-so high-street & yet so unique. But I do have one thing to say, is it just me or do you also find it annoying when Nana nasally sings ‘goya gogoya’? Well apart from that, the song is perfect. Do give some love to After School because they are worth it :).

Until then 


♬ Musical Notes From Moi ♬ #6

1 Sep

September has officially started.Ah~ a new beginning, so I thought why not celebrate it with some new music from some new singers. The singers I am introducing are rookies and they are ‘proper baby rookies’. Time to introduce- ‘Brave Girls’. Although I have to admit not a very unique name but still I think they are super awesome otherwise they would never have made it to this blog. So some background info for you.

There are 5 members in Brave Girls and yes they are from South Korean under Brave Entertainment (hence the name Brave, I would assume).The members are Eun Young,Yejin,Hyeran,Seo Ah & Yoojin and they made their début on April 8,2011 with their single album “Brave Girls: The Difference”which was just 4 months ago so I called them baby rookies. 

This song by Brave Girls is “Do you know” & please if you can,watch the video in 720p mode for most enjoyment. I stumbled upon this song and instantly fell in love with the R&B feel. I think this song is perfect with such an awesome dance (I see Ego by Beyoncé had some influence which I love) to match. What I loved about these girls is that they clearly are talented with such vocal talents and can dance in such a sexy but casual way without being trashy which is very hard to pull. 

Now to the summary of the song. I did found the mv with english subs but the videos were not really clear but if you want, you can find them easily in You tube.This song is about a couple. They have an argument about where the guy was last night and in the heat of it, the girl blurts out that they should break up (bad decision). So they do but instantly the girl regrets it and tries to apologize and win her man back saying that even when she say that she hates him, in her heart she is saying ‘I love you’… etc etc You get the drift right? 

I loved the mv but I could not help but notice one thing. You see around 1:58, why are they carrying the rail thingy around like that? Wasn’t it heavy for you girls? I don’t really see the point.It had wheels in it so why not just slide and glide, looks so much sexier don’t you think? 😉 Also don’t you think, the first girl (she is the leader) looks like Ivanka trump or is it just me? Pardon me readers, please ignore these useless observations of mine.

But jokes aside, I like Brave Girls (for some reason,I keep thinking Brave Heart instead). They have released some more songs but I like this début song by them so far the most. But still they are the first girl group rookies I have liked so far and I see great potential in them to really make it. You should check their music out and give them a chance because I think they truly deserve it. And Brave Girls, I have got my eyes on you. You better not let me down ;). 

Until then 

♬ Musical Notes From Moi ♬ #5

25 Aug

My readers~

Time to introduce another talented singers: Leessang~

Now, to start with, they are not your average K-pop ‘pretty boy’ singers so if you are one of the group who wants an eye candy then this particular musical note is not for you. You can look away now. 

Leessang is a korean hip-hop duo whose members are Kang Gary & Gil who have been in the scene since 2002. The duo is famous for their relaxing  rap that just flows which I think is one of their strong point. They are men well in their 30’s who make very good feel-good music you get easily hooked up to. While they might not be the handsomest men in the k-music scene, they are witty, can take a laugh and are down-to earth gentlemen which makes them very endearing,unique and attractive. Don’t believe me? Then you should check them out in running man & infinity challenge. You won’t regret it.

The song I am introducing to you is- I turned off the t.v By Leessang ft Kwon Jung Yeol & Tasha

I have one request. Can you please listen to the song without the translations first? Thank you. The song is really good, isn’t it? Gives out a positive vibe with a good beat mixed in (I love ’em beats 😉 ). I have a confession to make now that you have listened to the song and liked it. I had a dilemma about putting this song on. You see, I love this song but and it’s a big But, the song has a subliminal message so I think it should have been PG 18. With the Korean censor board being so strict, I don’t know how they didn’t manage to ban the song.

I nearly didn’t put the song but then again thought, it deserves to be listened to plus we are not some innocent kids, are we? Leessang have released their 7th album (impressive) named ‘Asura Balbalta’ (no, I don’t know what that means) and this song is part of the album which they are promoting now. The music video is good and Gil and Gary have out done themselves with this song. The voice of Kwon Jung Yeol is so refreshing and soothing and let’s not even talk about Tasha. I love that girl (you should listen to her songs), her rapping skill is the best and together these 4 singers made magic. I am also happy to report that ‘I turned off the t.v’ got the ‘perfect-all kill’ by topping the music charts.

Now you know what the song is about,I don’t need to summarize the song or explain the lyrics tehehe. Also, don’t judge me, you are not Mother superior either. Plus don’t you just love the simplicity of the song.

I turned off the t.v because I love you- Ah the simple mind of a man. Gotta love them. Enjoy the song.

Until then 
