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Sweeties, anyone?

28 Aug

I was in london for the fashion show. So, after it, we went to china town for some dinner and on the way we found  heaven. By that I mean the magical world of M&M’s. To be honest, I am not a die-hard sweet fan but this, this is different. Even if you are not crazy about sweets, you will love it :). As soon as you enter the door, the buzz, the millions of sweets (I am not exaggerating), the lights,the toys and oh the magic of it all makes you fall in love and feel like a kid all over again. So next time you are in London (it is in Leicester sq. near McDonald) , try to visit it. Worth the tooth decay. 😉

Until then


All Good Things Do Come To An End~

26 Aug

Hey guys

This is part II of Day 5 .So these pictures are the follow-up of  ‘Doing all things-Touristy’. To be honest, most of the day went in the tour bus. While we enjoyed it at first, soon the excitement wore off. Also the wind was like slaps on the face plus without the walking and staying in one place, it did made me feel tired & sleepy. When you walk, you get tired & when you don’t walk you get tired (why is that?seriously you just can’t win 😦 ).

I did got some exciting pictures. Lots of amazing architectures, the theatre where musical of ‘Mamma mia ‘ is showed, statues,war museum,sculptures,financial times head building,gentlemen’s club :),Big Ben,London Victoria station and 10 Downing Street. So all in all a thoroughly wonderful day. That was the wonderful finish to day 5.

I will always be a country-side girl but I do love the hustle and bustle of London too. This vacation made me see all the fascinating history and charming magic that made London so the verdict is overall I enjoyed my vacation though I don’t think my feet did. It was back to home by train on Day 6 and that is how my London mini vacation ended :(. Now please do enjoy the fabulous pictures while I pamper my traumatized feet.

Until the next interesting picture


Doing All Things-Touristy~

24 Aug

Ok Readers

This is Day 5 of my London vacation. Now you may have noticed that somehow Day 4 had magically disappeared. It is because after all the walking and sight-seeing we did on Day 3, our body and mainly our legs weren’t ready for another day of extreme exercise. So although our souls were ready to roam around, our body wasn’t. So we just rested on Day 4 and watched episodes of ‘Death note’ all day (L=Bliss~ :)).

So come Day 5,we were ready to roll. We went to London by bus (which took around 45 minutes and saw the real London which I loved). The first touristy thing we did was get in the open-roof tour bus ( we were hell-bent on getting on that bus and you could not get more touristy than that). I loved the bus but given the unpredictable London weather do take warm clothes and sunglasses (good for both sun and wind).

The tour guide in the bus told us some interesting things and facts about London and the landmarks as you move along and it is fun to know where the Queen and the Royal family shop around. We got to see Elton John’s pent house too which was very cool. We also saw the mesmerizing  St. Paul’s Cathedral,Pall Mall,Harrods ,Harvey Nichols, The Ritz, the school Daniel Radcliffe from Harry potter went to,a pub called ‘The anchor’ which was around 300 years old and a war ship which has now been turned into a museum.

There were also the horse-guards,castles,statues,church and very interesting buildings to look at. There are around 37 pictures so I will put it as part I and II. This will be part I. So enjoy all of Central London.

Part II to be continued

Until then
