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Wise Wisdom From Yours Truly~Sep ’11

30 Sep

Hey Peeps, how are y’all doing? I know I know, before you start complaining, I will myself admit that I have been very lazy this month. You and I both know that I didn’t do that many blogs this September but to be fair I was very busy with my work and when I do get off work I get so tired, I don’t even have the strength to think about new ideas or dance my fingers to type.

This month, bliss and relaxation for me was a cup of warm tea and dramas for entertainment. All I did was work so pardon me, there aren’t that many wisdom’s for you. But let’s do get on with the few that I have to offer. 

1.This month, I went wild with internet shopping and boy oh boy ‘ve I fallen in love with Amazon. Amazon is so amazing and quick, I just love buying things from there so people if you are one of those who hesitate to shop from it then don’t be. You have this girl’s guarantee. To me there is something christmas-y feel to internet shopping. All the waiting for the orders arrival and opening them.Ah~

2.I have never been the one to start conversations or have small talk. But my colleagues, most of them love a good chat and I think it has finally rubbed on me. These days I genuinely like to have small banter and not sweat it (not like before anyway*cough*) ;). So lesson-small talk never hurt anyone and it makes you more friendly.So dare it.

3.But having said that sometimes my colleagues ask and question me about Nepali cultures. It’s really nice of them to want to know about my culture but it is so hard to explain. So cultural explanations for me= cold sweats in an instant.

4.I get bored very easily, so I was in a rut work wise and seriously thinking about changing. But this September, I got the chance to work with more kids; age-wise.So this change made me enjoy work again. So if you are in similar situations, why not bring some variety?

5.I am going to start uni very soon and had to fill what felt like tons of forms,applications and send e-mails. It is very stressful to say the least and makes it that more luring to throw the towel. Which makes me question, am I the only one or are there more who feel like I did? While these things look small but  for some people, it may be a big enough reason/excuse to not continue study.Who knows.

6.This September,I turned 22.So far so good,had a very good birthday.But a question kept nagging me before I turned 22, am I old now? For some reason, I was feeling old but it went off with a poof once I turned 22 though. Once birthday was over, I didn’t feel any change at all. Same ol’ same, may be age is just a number after all. But do get back to me on this one, who knows what I might feel later on.

7.At work,  I made treasure maps for the kids and they loved it.I was popular and back in-game again oh yeah!So I learned treasure map is a big hit with kids, just saying if you have to bribe a kid in the near future. 😉

8.This month I got the baking bug so I ended up making choco-hoto-pots and Panna cotta. They are so easy to make and delicious so why don’t you try too? The recipe’s can be found easily on the internet. Quick advice though- go easy on the cream and gelatin if you are making Panna cotta. Next on the list -Pavlova.Bring it on!

So that’s it for this September’s Wise wisdom although having said that I want to give a shout-out to my friends who clenched their teeth and helped me even though we don’t meet that often. A friend in need is truly a friend indeed. Thanks a lot guys.

Also readers, I promise I will make more effort to write blogs more regularly :).

Alright then readers

Until the next wisdom lands on my way

Cretee 🙂

Wise Wisdom From Yours Truly~Aug ’11

31 Aug

Hey People. Its time for ‘Wise Wisdom from yours truly’ since August is over and so is Summer (although technically it is not yet but who are we kidding, with UK’s weather, we count our blessing if we can see the sun two days in a row 😉 ).  This August was hectic to begin with but it was a good kind of hectic. I went to lots of different places, experienced new things, felt new emotions. Different is good. Overall, learning new-thing wise, August will come in 1St place, no doubt. So lets begin the official wisdom list. 

1.Lets begin with something simple. Bet you don’t know this one. Children Bruno Mars.OK, not him but his song ‘The Lazy song’. Mainly because of the monkeys and may be the merry tunes too. So next time around, if you want to impress a kid, play this song. No need to thank me ;).

2.This month, I caught the chef bug so I made ‘chicken hot pot’ from a cooking book gifted by my work colleagues (which was so nice of them). It is so easy to make and so very delicious. If you want to try, just leave a comment, will get right back at you. 🙂

3.As you know by now, I had a London vacation. This vacation taught me that London is full of amazing history. It makes you fall in love with all its hidden charms. But I also learned my feet doesn’t agree with seeing all those charms :(.

4.The man who designed the tube route needs to be showered with standing ovations. You, sir are a true genius. My feet said thank you too. 

5.Oyster cards are the way to go unless you are a billionaire/cash wealthy or just in the mood to get looted by London transportations. 

6.I feel ashamed to admit that I had never played UNO in my life before. But thanks to my cousin, I learned to this vacation and I love it. Without the t.v and internet, it was our favourite source of entertainment, a life-saver.

7.Many of you by now know the London-riot. It is such a sad thing that evils like that still lurks in our society. You realize that evil comes in all shapes & size. Doesn’t matter the age,gender or class. So does racism. But I do want to say one thing. The rioters should be punished but why drag the innocent family into it too? 

8.You may not know this but I love dancing. So this summer vacation, me and my niece had a friendly round of ‘Just dance’ on Wii. It is so much fun to dance in crazy in love, girl-friend and I got the power (reminds me of Jim carrey). You should try them, also if you are competing and want easy-scores, just do crazy-in-love by Beyoncé. Minimum effort, maximum score-Oh yeah!

9. You know, how we get drunk and come tomorrow we have massive ‘hangover’ and keep hearing phrases related to alcohol like ‘one for the road’, well I got to know the true meaning/origin of those two words during my vacation to London on the open bus.

You see, back in the days, when there used to be capital punishment it was done in public. So people used to gather around to watch the hanging happen with alcohols to go with it (there is still the tree where people used to be executed & yes it looks erm hanged & all droopy). So when everything was over and morning came, they had massive headaches with all the drinking thus the word ‘hangover’ came upon.

‘One for the road’ is related with alcohol too. So, in the days, people who were going to be executed were allowed a last drink, so they would drink the alcohol before the hanging for some dutch courage and one for the road before they met their makers. Now you know the reasons, are you still going to use them? 

10.I came upon ‘My library thing’ where you can write the names of all the books you have or read for that matter and put it in your blog. I was super excited to know that because to start with I love books and have an impressive collection to boost about. So I decided to make one for my blog  but the happiness was short-lived because readers, My library thing doesn’t work with WordPress :(. To0 sad. 

11.It seems to me like I am starting to lose my patience (I didn’t have much to start with). I love reading books (to the point, I am blind without my glasses) but this august I went to my local library after such a long time and bought lots of books to read. But I found myself rushing and hurrying when in the past I used to read slowly and actually enjoy it. I think it might be because of the internet. Instant gratification comes to my mind and is to blame, for now. 

12. This august I got the highest views of all times, thanks to the blog I wrote ‘The show will go on’ but to be honest I don’t feel proud about it. When I published it, I was very proud of my work and thought I did justice to ‘The show’ which was such a success. But as the views increased, I started to get threatening comments about the guy I wrote on the last paragraph of that particular blog. Some people got upset and I am open to being corrected for what I did wrong but to swear is so not done.

The views were going off the roof but to me it felt like people were just coming to my blog, just to see the drama unfolding and all that because of one-damned paragraph when the point of the blog was ‘the show’. Although I removed the picture, I was hell-bent on keeping the paragraph but the stats made me question the reason behind all the views so I decided to cut that paragraph. I don’t want this blog to be about cheap dramas.

This august taught me one important thing-sometimes you just have to back out even when you feel wronged.

13.I want to give a shout out to Miss Guffadi too. The blog taught and made me sympathise with her. I applause her strong heart and courage of ignoring all the hate comments without so much as a flicker. How can she do that? Bravo to you. 

So that’s it for this August’s ‘Wise Wisdom From Yours Truly’. Will see you next month with more. 

Until then 


Wise Wisdom From Yours Truly~July ’11

31 Jul

Today is 31 July 2011. So if you have a nice memory, you must remember that I had mentioned about introducing 2 new segments this July.  Random Bubble Speech was one of them and I am enjoying it immensely. I also started a new segment where I  introduce awesome songs to you. The music segment was not planned, the idea was inspired by 2NE1 ‘ugly’ music video but nonetheless, a good surprise even for me. So today is the day I will introduce a new segment called ‘Wise Wisdom From Yours Truly’ to you my lovely readers.

As the name suggests, it will be a category where at the end of each month, I will write all the stuffs I learned that month (If I can remember) whether good,bad,funny,not funny, cringe-y in a nutshell everything I feel is worth letting you know. My list of learned things will be an entertainment/advice/wisdom source to you and for me,it will be a reminder/journal of what I learned and can reflect upon in the future. So here it goes:

1.I am very proud of my first one. This July, I learned a new way to reach Heathrow Terminal 4/5. It is really simple, you have to go to Feltham train station and then take a bus (bus fare is £2.20 for single) which you will find just outside the station.  So when you return, it is the same process.

2.The way you do puja here in UK seems to be different in comparison to Nepal. In Nepal, a puja takes  forever to finish and by the end of it you are left exhausted. But UK has its own flair to it as I came to know this month. It is short-cut, easy and you don’t even break a sweat. Personally I am loving the UK style.

3.I was lucky enough to be able to go to National Memorial Arboretum. It was a day to respect fallen heroes of 2010 who sacrificed their life in Afghanistan/Iraq. The Queen personally came to give her respect on behalf of the country. To know that there was a place that honoured,respect and protect the soldiers, to know that the staffs were so easy to talk to and always ready to offer help, to know you are not the only one going through all the heartaches but best of all to realize that your loved ones will always stay within you and your memory is the most satisfying feeling that brings a pure  inner peace to your mind and soul.

4.There are different ways to communicate with a child. Some like it when you start the talk, some will come over if you don’t talk with them, sometimes just a smile does the trick but differently able children are truly special. They can see right through your fears,doubts and questions. So you have to clear all your mind and just look him in the eye. This is how you communicate with a special kid plus when you get through, their hugs are the best.

5.Do you know why our fingers get all wrinkly when it gets wet ?It is so that it is easier to grip things (source:yahoo). Also the tiny plastic bits on your shoelace is called aglet  (thanks to Phineas & Ferb). I also learned this July that I will be one fine  politician but I also learned that it comes with a price. You should be able to shamelessly ask for votes ( I am still taking care of my bruised ego 😦 ).

6.This month I found myself craving for Korean pancakes (thanks to Lee Hyori in family outing). After searching through many you tube videos, I stumbled upon That blog is truly awesome to say the least and I finally found the perfect simple  recipe for the pancake.It was so easy to make and mouth-watering tasty. I also learned myself  that to make a truly delicious no-fail curry you need to add those gravy granules (just a bit) and Marmite if you have it. They really make a huge yummy difference.

7.Summer vacation has started and I am loving it. I am enjoying sleeping till late (not that I didn’t do in regular days), relaxing,enjoying the heat and lazing around. There is something magical about summer that makes the surrounding even richer and makes you feel relaxed and full of happy thoughts. I am loving my niece and nephew’s company too. This week my 5-year-old nephew taught me a new version of rock,paper scissors. His version had sword where you point your index finger and it beats all the rock,paper and scissor. But then you had a gun (you know how to make a gun, seriously guys!) which beats a sword. Everything was going fine until he introduced ‘lick’. This was another version where you say Rock,Paper & Lick ( basically you umm lick something that is near your surrounding). He is one naughty little devil but I love him anyway. Lick was not a success but hey you need to applaud his creativity and vast imagination.

Until next month
