Tag Archives: 2ne1 Ugly

♬ Musical Notes From Moi ♬ #1

28 Jul

I have an exciting news for you Music lovers out there.Starting today, there will be a new added category called ‘ Musical Notes From Moi’. I will introduce  different genres of music and songs from different singers from different countries that I loved and thought are “untamed” in a sense that they have a unique,creative or different but likeable feel to it.As I am a lyrics person, you will get songs that have really good lyrics too. So for the songs to enter this category, basically they have to be perfect in my view.

So the honour of inaugurating this segment goes to 2NE1. If you have not heard of 2NE1 yet, then I feel sorry for you because they are the most awesome girl group I have ever seen in my life. They are a south-Korean girl group that debuted on 2009 under YG entertainment which is one of the 3 biggest in the music industry. Within 2 years, 2NE1 has managed to have huge success with fans from all over the world. What makes them special is that, unlike the typical cutesy and sexy image most girl group start with, 2NE1’s style is unique and edgier. Although their  music root is hip-hop, they have already tried many genres of music be it reggae, electronic,pop,R&B and their songs are known for the message of female empowerment and independence.

This song I introduced to you is their newest one called ‘Ugly’ which has a rock and electronic vibe to it.It is a very addicting summery song which you can sing and dance along to. The lyrics are deep and meaningful and the music video is really good. The message of the song is that there are days we feel ugly or we might not fit into the perfect mould of what is considered truly beautiful. Some might look down on you and you might not feel confident and beautiful because of that but at the end of the day what others say does not matter. You are beautiful/handsome just the way you are and if you have the confidence to carry yourself with pride, people will notice and acknowledge  it too. So boys and girls, time to strut your stuff with an attitude.

Until the next one


P.s: I intentionally didn’t put the lyrics. Your homework is to go and find it. Trust me you won’t regret it.

P.p.s:It will be a random segment because there might be times when I find awesome music but there might also be time where the music don’t cut to my taste.