Tag Archives: psychology experiment

Separation Vs The 360° turn~

18 Dec

Any lonely hearts out there during this warm,fuzzy Christmas time? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Once I read an article on Cosmo ( it is never wrong) 😉 that we are more lonely than ever even with all the thousand friend lists we boost about on Facebook,hi5 or followers in twitter because when real difficult situation happens, out of all those “friends” only few will have our back. This is the reality and we know it. I know it doesn’t sound very good or goes with the Christmas spirit but fret not because I have just found the perfect piece of nugget to cheer you up :).

Few weeks ago I was reading my psychology book *shock* when I saw the title ‘Six degrees of Separations’. It was an experiment done by Milgram (a very famous psychologist) who tested the ‘it’s a small world’” hypothesis. In the experiment, some people from Kansas were asked to send packages to a stranger in Massachusetts. The stranger’s name, occupation, and roughly where they lived were told to the senders. 

Then the senders were told to send the package to someone they knew on a first-named basis, who the sender thought was most likely,out of all their friends to know the receiver personally. The person would do the same, and so on, until the package was personally delivered to the receiver. Although most of the packages didn’t make it but the ones that did were able to get there in around six hops.

This led to the very famous phrase ‘six degrees of separation’, which suggests that any two people in the world can be connected by an average of six acquaintances.When I read about it, I was absolutely amazed, aren’t you?  I know we have friends,family, relatives  but  truth is there are times when we all feel lonely even with familiar faces around so isn’t it amazing to know and realize that you can connect to anyone whoever it is, in this whole wide world where billions of people live? So all this time, it has been a small world after all!

So if you still haven’t caught the holiday spirits, cheer up because now you know that you can connect to anyone you wish to, it is just 6 tiny hops away. Miracle-Absolute Miracle I say~

Happy Holidays Peeps!!

Until then 🙂


Source: The Open University (2010) Discovering Psychology,Milton Keynes, The Open University.