Tag Archives: understanding english

Reasons why it sometime sucks big time to be a Nepalese~

23 Dec

  1. Introducing myself to someone not Nepalese. Here is how the conversation usually goes.

    Me:Hi! I am Cretee.
    Sam: Hi, nice to meet you, I am Sam. Where are you from?

    Me: I am from Nepal. (Sam-confused looking, probably thinking Nepal? What is Nepal? Is it a foreign food?)
    Me: Hmm, have you heard of Nepal?
    Sam: Sorry, never heard of it.
    Me: Do you know India and China?
    Sam: Yeah Of course I know those countries. Taj Mahal and Great wall yeah yeah.
    Me: Well Nepal is right in between those two countries.
    Sam: hmm….
    Me: Oh I got it, do you know Mt.Everest and Buddha?
    Sam: Of course!!! It’s the highest mountain in the world and who doesn’t know Buddha!!
    Me:Yeah well, Mt Everest is in Nepal and Buddha was born in Nepal so yeah….
    Sam: Oh! …… (awkward) 
  2. Another typical conversation.
    Me: Hi I am Cretee, nice to meet you.
    Sam: Hey, I am Sam, Nice to meet you too. So tell me, where are you from?
    Me: Well can you guess? (I know, I shouldn’t have said that…. I regret it every time) 😦
    Sam: Well, Are you Chinese?
    Me: No…
    Sam: Oh wait, Japanese!
    Me: No.., try again
    Sam: Korean?
    Me: ( light of hope going further and further away) Come on you can do better than that. 😦
    Sam: Mongolian?
    (after Sam naming every name under the sun & still somehow managing to miss it)
    Me: (giving up) I am from Nepal!
    Sam: Hmmm…. 
  3. This rarely happens but happens it does.
    Me: Hi!
    Sam: Hey… (looks doubtfully at me)
    *pause*(says this slowly but in a louder voice)
    Me: …….Understand this you moron!!! (fist punch right on his nose)
    Of course I don’t do that; I would never do it even though sometimes I wish I could. But I am not a kid, nor do I have a hearing problem. I might not speak with your accent but I do understand and speak English, you know.
  4. For your information I am 22 this year. So here is another reason for you.
    Knock on the door from the delivery man.

    Delivery man to me: Hi there, I have a package here for you. But before that I need a signature, is your mum or dad home?
    Me: hmm…. actually I am 22, an adult so I can sign it for you.
    Delivery man: *look of horror in his face* I am so sorry! Can you sign here please? Thanks, bye.
    (Runs as fast as he can) 
  5. I know I am not the only one to deal with this situation but still this count as a reason why it sucks.
    We all have to fill lots of forms and applications in our lifetime, for e.g.: student loan, provisional license, visa application. So, there is always this question that gets on my nerve. For e.g.:
    Which ethnic background do you belong to?Please tick that apply to you.
    So there are loads of option, some of them includes

i) Indian, British Indian
ii) Bangladeshi
iii) Pakistani 

But what do I have to fill? Other Asian backgrounds. That’s what. Why I think this reason is valid? Because all the countries mentioned above are Nepal’s neighbouring countries but why is Nepal missed? Do I not belong to a country? Is my country not a country? Why am I just an “other”? How would you feel if you have to tick that box every single time? Sucks right :)?…… No? 😦

Well, Pardon me. I will just go and sit at that corner over there. You can just ignore me or better yet you just go away while I reflect upon my deepest thoughts and feelings. Off you go,darling~

Until the next one


P.S: This  is not a hate/insult post nor does this mean I am anti-Nepal or *gasp* a racist. This post is inspired by my experiences and is meant to be insightful and humorous. So please do enjoy. At least, try to.Will you? Pinky swear?