Tag Archives: vip

♬ Musical Notes From Moi ♬ G-dragon-That XX~

31 Aug


G-dragon releasing new songs is like Christmas coming early 🙂 To say I like GD will be an understatement as he is my ultimate bias. I absolutely adore this man, but there is always something about him releasing solo album that makes me nervous. Don’t get me wrong, he makes beautiful music but somehow his solo songs I have found are too edgy for my liking . I feel his style softens more with Bigbang. Gd has released two songs, first being ‘One of a kind’ and today ‘That XX’. 

When I first saw ‘One of a kind’ mv, I will be honest, it was not love at first sight. I just didn’t get it, the whole bear, running around in tennis gear thing. Mind you, I loved the dance but that was about it. But then I looked at the lyrics and the mv made absolute sense. Behind all that razzle and dazzle of costumes, there was a depth to the song. He owned the lyrics and you should check it out. But I am here to review ‘That XX’

Now this song ‘That XX’ that is, I loved it! The second, the song started with the acoustic sound, I was sold.  This song gave me a ‘Butterfly’ feel. Jiyoung is more of a rapper and to hear him sing is a real pleasure. The melody and his voice soothes you. This song is about a guy(A) who loves a girl(B) but the girl loves another guy(C). Gd has played both guy roles and both have distinct character. While guy A looks kinder and wears mellow clothes, guy B is edgier with all his tattoos, piercings and abundance of gold rings! 

This is kind of a plea made by Guy A to the girl, as he thinks she is so blinded by love, she doesn’t see that Guy B is a jerk who plays around and breaks heart. The message in short is, ‘Come back to your sense girl, that ****er doesn’t deserve you, I am so much better than him and you don’t see that’. Infact the XX means something like a ‘bastard’.  

Now I saw comments made by fellow vip’s and some were saying that the beeping sound was too distracting or annoying. But me, I didn’t mind at all, in fact I think the beep put more of an impact,more of a hatred feel. I would love to hear the swearing though! Having said that, the ‘Baie Bee’ after the 2:40 mark gave me the creepy crawlies. That’s the only complain from the whole song. The girl I believe is going to be part of a new girl group from YG. I think she is absolutely gorgeous although she needs to improve her acting more but then again she isn’t even a rookie yet. I am really looking forward to her début and rooting for her!

Lastly I can’t wait for Jiyoung to perform in music banks, he is going to nail it!

Until the next one


P.s: No I didn’t think, the girl looked like a kid nor did the acting gave me a uncle singing to a niece feel-At all.