Tag Archives: wisdom

Wise Wisdom From Yours Truly~July ’11

31 Jul

Today is 31 July 2011. So if you have a nice memory, you must remember that I had mentioned about introducing 2 new segments this July.  Random Bubble Speech was one of them and I am enjoying it immensely. I also started a new segment where I  introduce awesome songs to you. The music segment was not planned, the idea was inspired by 2NE1 ‘ugly’ music video but nonetheless, a good surprise even for me. So today is the day I will introduce a new segment called ‘Wise Wisdom From Yours Truly’ to you my lovely readers.

As the name suggests, it will be a category where at the end of each month, I will write all the stuffs I learned that month (If I can remember) whether good,bad,funny,not funny, cringe-y in a nutshell everything I feel is worth letting you know. My list of learned things will be an entertainment/advice/wisdom source to you and for me,it will be a reminder/journal of what I learned and can reflect upon in the future. So here it goes:

1.I am very proud of my first one. This July, I learned a new way to reach Heathrow Terminal 4/5. It is really simple, you have to go to Feltham train station and then take a bus (bus fare is £2.20 for single) which you will find just outside the station.  So when you return, it is the same process.

2.The way you do puja here in UK seems to be different in comparison to Nepal. In Nepal, a puja takes  forever to finish and by the end of it you are left exhausted. But UK has its own flair to it as I came to know this month. It is short-cut, easy and you don’t even break a sweat. Personally I am loving the UK style.

3.I was lucky enough to be able to go to National Memorial Arboretum. It was a day to respect fallen heroes of 2010 who sacrificed their life in Afghanistan/Iraq. The Queen personally came to give her respect on behalf of the country. To know that there was a place that honoured,respect and protect the soldiers, to know that the staffs were so easy to talk to and always ready to offer help, to know you are not the only one going through all the heartaches but best of all to realize that your loved ones will always stay within you and your memory is the most satisfying feeling that brings a pure  inner peace to your mind and soul.

4.There are different ways to communicate with a child. Some like it when you start the talk, some will come over if you don’t talk with them, sometimes just a smile does the trick but differently able children are truly special. They can see right through your fears,doubts and questions. So you have to clear all your mind and just look him in the eye. This is how you communicate with a special kid plus when you get through, their hugs are the best.

5.Do you know why our fingers get all wrinkly when it gets wet ?It is so that it is easier to grip things (source:yahoo). Also the tiny plastic bits on your shoelace is called aglet  (thanks to Phineas & Ferb). I also learned this July that I will be one fine  politician but I also learned that it comes with a price. You should be able to shamelessly ask for votes ( I am still taking care of my bruised ego 😦 ).

6.This month I found myself craving for Korean pancakes (thanks to Lee Hyori in family outing). After searching through many you tube videos, I stumbled upon  hungerhunger.blogspot.com. That blog is truly awesome to say the least and I finally found the perfect simple  recipe for the pancake.It was so easy to make and mouth-watering tasty. I also learned myself  that to make a truly delicious no-fail curry you need to add those gravy granules (just a bit) and Marmite if you have it. They really make a huge yummy difference.

7.Summer vacation has started and I am loving it. I am enjoying sleeping till late (not that I didn’t do in regular days), relaxing,enjoying the heat and lazing around. There is something magical about summer that makes the surrounding even richer and makes you feel relaxed and full of happy thoughts. I am loving my niece and nephew’s company too. This week my 5-year-old nephew taught me a new version of rock,paper scissors. His version had sword where you point your index finger and it beats all the rock,paper and scissor. But then you had a gun (you know how to make a gun, seriously guys!) which beats a sword. Everything was going fine until he introduced ‘lick’. This was another version where you say Rock,Paper & Lick ( basically you umm lick something that is near your surrounding). He is one naughty little devil but I love him anyway. Lick was not a success but hey you need to applaud his creativity and vast imagination.

Until next month
