Tag Archives: you look good with eng sub

♬ Musical Notes From Moi ♬ #8

17 Oct

Hey Readers

It’s been exactly 1 month since the last musical note so how about a new one eh? To be honest, I had found this awesome song few months ago but was too lazy to put it up but it’s time has finally come. 🙂

This immensely awesome song is by Verbal Jint (never heard of the name? Don’t worry you are on the same boat). I stumbled upon Verbal Jint by accident (lots of good things happen by accident ;)) and instantly loved the song. It’s sad that many of us k-song lovers don’t know about him, I guess he is overshadowed by idols but his rap has so much groove, the idols have got nothing on him. Time for some background info on Verbal Jint: His real name is Kim Jin Tae under the record label ‘Brand new stardom’ (oooh fancy). The début was on 2001 so he is not a rookie at all  and is known as ‘king of flow’ (listen to his songs and you will know and agree why).

The song is called ‘You look good’ ft Black skirt. Don’t forget to turn the cc button for the English sub and let this beautiful song hypnotize you. Don’t you just love the lyrics,beats and the flowing rap? Man, gotta say this is one heck of a song! Plus I just love singing along to the chorus. The mv is of great quality, the actors did justice to the story and everything but was it only me or did you also had a mini heart attack when the girl got hit by the car? Don’t know what to say about the Koreans, when they are not getting killed by pineapples, they get run over by car. Tsk Tsk such a way to die. All in all Verbal Jint is one awesome rapper who makes great music so listen to other songs by him too and don’t forget to spread the love around. 

Until then 
